


The ECDC's Public Access site for planning applications has changed significantly since June 1st. The Council is in the process of a 'soft launch' for on-line planning, which means they are trying things out in order to identify any glitches, before they announce its arrival with a fanfare. The would really welcome assistance in this, by trying out the website, and letting them know of any dyifficulties.

They ask you, when replying to the consultation on an application, to use one method only for your response. This could be by e-mail to plservices@eastcambs.gov.uk, in hard copy, or through the 'submit comments' facility on the Public Access website.

They hope, once you have become familiar with the workings of the on-line system, that it provides a much closer link to the planning service. You will be able to see all the responses from other consultees, together with neighbour comments and of course, all the plans and other submitted documents.

If you want to look at all Planning Applications in Reach, click on the link then type in Reach where it says "Enter a keyword etc etc".