24Acres Opening Event






This took place on Sunday 1st June 2014.

The sun shone and fun was had by all. Some pics below - and if you have some you are proud of, please get them to me and I'll add them to the site.

Our memento bags sold well on the day but we still have some left and its the profit we make from these sales that funds the event, so please get in touch to purchase some.





1. It all started with help from Manchetts, as with many of our events - here we see the "stage" for the Ceilidh band arriving
2. The cricket match between Reach and the National Trust was the backdrop to the event and here we see the Reach team in all its glory
3. And now the competition . . . .
4. And at half-time (sorry "tea") here's everyone that got involved in what was an excellent match
5. The toss - which Ross inexplicably failed to win . . . .
6. An action shot of one of their lot . . .
7. An inaction shot of a few of our lot . . . . note the new microprocessor controlled scoreboard
8. Still them batting - they did a lot of this - kept hitting the ball where our blokes weren't - very rude
9. Our go now . . . .
10. Bat, ball, wonder where it went?
11a. Bryan cuddling Ewen
11c. Bryan Pearson - looking athletic . . . .
12. And through the excitement of the cricket the Barbie Boys reassembled to cook the food - Sean Manchett, Ray Bateman, Cliff Coulson and Dan Mules
13. One formality was the opening ceremony with National Trust people Lois Baker and John Hughes (I'll leave you to work it out) and our Parish Council Chairman and Project Leader for the 24Acres, David Thomas
14. Some people actually did watch the cricket . . . .
15. Others didn't - here we have Hayley, Colin and baby Millie
16. The "Snib Enders", Marcus and Sarah
17. Special events included the dog scurry which proved to be really popular
19. Liv getting her face painted - again
20. Craig Dunnett and his Dad Neville
21. The raffle went well with thanks to Manchetts for the hamper, Rhys for the hair styling, George and Catherine for the Dyke's End Sunday Lunch voucher and the Bluck family for the special oils and the scotch - 10% of the money made will be donated to Cancer Research
22. The draw was "organised" by Lois with the girls letting everyone know the numbers
23. And now the "Reach Bakeoff", judged by Rita of "Rita's Recipes" fame and David Thomas which had lots of entries with the following result . . . .
24. 3rd place - yes I know its obvious but it needed a caption
25. 2nd - I'm guessing its some kind of lemon cake . . . .
26. And 1st - well done Catherine Gibson! Don't you just love Waitrose (only joking).
27. The Bug Hunting was well attended by the kids and adults (Nicola Tucker) alike
28. And this was the biggest one they found! Young Hannah Gibson who was one of the entries for the Fancy Dress
29. Bill and Jean Estall
30. The tug of war attracted loads of people . . . .
31. Training needed methinks . . . .
32. Better . . . .
33. Ah - perhaps not . . . .
34. Apple bobbing - liked because it was a very warm day
35. Water bucket duties for the "stocks" thingy which Snakehall Farm lent to us - and is available for hire for parties - give Rhian a call on 741551
36. And we cannot forget the Ceilidh band Mindset who were excellent again
38. Tony and Sue Jordan
39. Jenny Bridgeman showing off her coconuts
40. Penny Lang and Janet Holmwood with Nick Webb looking on - big thanks go to Nick's wife Hannah for the lovely design for the bags
41. John and Jenny Reed
42. Martin and Joss Goodchild
43. Trish and Keith
44. Sarah Keutgen with Ailsa Miller
45. Ray - barbie duties done - unwinding
46. Dennis walked down - and walked back well fed - always nice to see him at these events
47. Ailsa again - this time with Jo Riches . . . .
48. Daisie and Liv
49. We didn't have tea ladies like Thomasina in my day . . . .
50. Sue Cameron and Toni Dennis
51. Lots of people attended - as ever
53. We indulged ourselves at the end with a "Committee Photo" - big thanks go to Hannah Baldwin (3rd from left) who made it all happen - and to all the other people who got involved in the preparation and on the day itself
54. And nearly finally Gemma Manchett came along to pick up the two generators (kindly loaned FOC by Newmarket Plant Hire). She was on and off the field in no time Sean . . . .



And really finally - don't forget to get in touch to buy some of our Memento Bags - the money we make will help pay for this and future events