August / September 1999

Wet, Wet, Wet in Reach

With apologies to those who thought we had arranged a major event, this merely describes the Sports day afternoon.

Reach Sports day began well with it’s usual game of dividing a group of children into roughly equal numbers by age and athletic ability. This is never an easy game and as the number of children taking part will always change.

We also played a game which I have not played for many years. This game is not very enjoyable and involves standing around under a tree sheltering from the rain but still getting wet. It continues until everyone else has gone home or the organisers decide that enough is enough and adjourn to the Village Hall for tea.

After only two of the planned seven races were completed we abandoned the races for this year and so we were unable to award the John Robinson cup for the best all-round athlete. Next year will see a new holder as the current one (Ed Jordan) will be over 16 and therefore ineligible.

The tea in the Village Hall was up to it’s usual standard although the children seemed much quieter this year than recently. Some of the longer term residents remarked how the numbers had gone down and also how many were not Reach children. Perhaps this event is not as popular as it used to be. I always find it a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and neighbours for a chat and enjoy a pleasant afternoon of friendly rivalry.

The marathons were run as one event after tea as the rain had stopped for a while. As the clouds still looked threatening all three were combined into one race, of different lengths and distances. It was, however, disconcerting to find myself being overtaken by a nine year old. However I managed to gain a podium place in the end due to there only being two entrants in the over 16 open event and there was never any danger of me catching Ed.

We introduced a novel twist into the game of musical chairs we finished with. When the children were ‘out’ they were able to collect an ice-cream which we had not given out during tea.

We presented Cups to the winners of the marathons as follows :

Under 16 David Newman

Ladies Michelle Summers

Open Ed Jordan

Although the rain dampened everyone’s enthusiasm I hope those who came and stayed enjoyed the day, especially those for whom this was their first village event and I hope we will enjoy better weather next year. My thanks to all those who helped with judging the races, organising the teas (Joyce, Janet, Karen and Rachel).

Tony Jordan

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